Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Prisoner Reentry in Michigan

The state of Michigan spends more money on jails and prisons than it does on education, but is this money well spent? The Michigan Prisoner ReEntry Initiative would suggest that it is. The MPRI is a collaborative effort that draws from the commitment of community groups, the Michigan Department of Corrections, and other state agencies. Launched in 2003 and expanded statewide in 2008, the initiative’s mission is to equip every released offender with tools to succeed in the community.The MPRI is a nationally recognized commitment to public safety that gives prisoners the tools they need to succeed in a process that begins when they enter prison and continues through parole and reintegration into the community. The MPRI has effectively reduced Michigan’s prison population, recidivism rate, and crime rate. (Figure 1) It has broken the cycle of soaring Corrections costs by investing in safe alternatives to costly and unnecessarily long stays in prisons.By breaking the cycle of crime and incarceration, the MPRI has managed to cut spending on prisons down by 293 million dollars annually, and although that may be the biggest benefit it is one of many. (1) The number one goal of the MPRI is to reduce crime. It does that by better preparing parolees before they return to the community, making smarter decisions about who is released and when, and providing enhanced supervision and services in the community. It ensures what Lansing Prison Warden Kenneth McKee calls â€Å"a game plan for success,† which includes a team of supporters from the community who will help them carry out the plan. 1) MPRI begins at intake, when a prisoner’s risk, needs and strengths are measured to develop individualized programming. Prior to parole, offenders are transferred to a reentry facility, and a transition plan, which addresses employment, housing, transportation, mentoring, counseling and any necessary treatment for mental illness or addictions, is finalized in close collaboration with community service providers. After release, officers use firm but flexible graduated sanctions- including short stays in a reentry center if needed-to manage rule breaking before it escalates to more serious transgressions.All correctional jargon aside, the basic message remains; you can’t put offenders back into the situation and lifestyle they came from before prison and expect the outcome to be different. This is where â€Å"reentry† comes into play. (2) The MPRI was built in three phases to create seamless transitions back into society. Phase one is the â€Å"getting ready† phase. This phase begins the day the prisoner enters the prison. It starts at the reception center with a comprehensive assessment of each prisoner’s risk factors, needs and strengths.A Transition Accountability Plan is formed to determine the services the prisoner will need to prepare them for life after prison. This plan also establishes a set of expecta tions for the prisoner and how well they adhere to the plan weighs heavily in decisions made by the Parole and Commutation Board. Phase two is the â€Å"going home† phase. This phase begins about two months before the prisoners expected release date. During this phase, prisoners identified as needing more intensive preparation and support are transferred to an â€Å"in-reach† center, a prison closer to home.This helps set the stage for a smooth and successful transition. The focus during this phase is also to help the prisoner find work and become â€Å"employable† as well as setting up stable housing. Depending on their needs, prisoners are linked with community services such as substance abuse treatment, mental health services, or sex offender therapy. The conventional role of a parole officer is transformed to a case manager in an effort to help the transition team get a support system in place.When the parole date arrives the prisoner is armed with a structu re and support network in place to help them succeed. Lastly, phase three is called the â€Å"staying home† phase. As opposed to a decade ago where parolees were released on a Friday and had a weekend or more to get into trouble before their first meeting with their parole agent, they are now released earlier in the week and they promptly meet with their parole agent and service providers. This first meeting is used to establish job leads, assist with resumes, ensure medical assistance if needed and identify stable housing. 1) This transformation of Michigan’s corrections system has been remarkable, but it did not happen overnight. Over the course of eight years the MPRI has moved from an idea of fixing a broken system to a comprehensive strategy that is changing the nature of prisons. In doing this the MDOC has created many employment opportunities for positions such as parole agents, corrections officers, teachers and case managers. The transformation has also change d the way former prisoners view people in these positions.Grand Raids police officer Terry Dixon runs a weekly support group for MPRI participants and says that â€Å"Many are looking at police officers in a new way, as supporters. † (1) The MPRI is constantly meeting challenges; one of the largest being special needs prisoners. Those include youths, the medically fragile, those with mental health issues and sex offenders. Before the MPRI, says Michigan Parole and Commutation Board Chairwoman Barbara Sampson, parole board members were reluctant to grant parole to the mentally ill because they knew services were not in place to help them succeed.Now, she said, the transition accountability plans are designed to ensure a smooth transition to the community. Similarly, she said, effective new treatment programs are in place for sex offenders. (1) The $56 million spent on the MPRI in fiscal year 2011 is substantial, but it is only a small fraction of the $2 billion Michigan Depart ment of Corrections budget, and it is paying back dividends in public safety and reducing the prison population.The rate of parolees returning to prison for new crimes or technical violations is at its lowest level since record keeping began 23 years ago. Even though there are more parolees, the number returning to prison for new crimes fell from 2. 020 in 2006 to a projected 1,836 in 2010. Michigan’s prison population grew by nearly 500% between 1973 and 2003, consuming a much greater share of tax payer dollars. The number of prisoners has safely declined by almost 7,500 since March of 2007 and is at its lowest level since 1999.As a result the state has been able to close 14 correctional facilities. (1) It is important to recognize what the MPRI is and what it is not. It is not a magic potion that will eliminate crime. It is also not an early release program. Every parolee has served at least the minimum court imposed sentence. MPRI is a strategy that pulls together the stat e, the community, police, mentors, therapists, and others to give each returning prisoner a game plan for success.Former Saint Clair County Community College professor Michael Berro explains the MPRI bottom line as being â€Å"the understanding that the majority of felony offenders will return to our community. We should prepare them for it so they don’t end up back here, spending our tax dollars again. † (3) Michigan may be spending more money on jails and prisons than it does on education, but consider the effect the MPRI has had on repeat criminal offenses, inmates in prison and the general crime rate. It has successfully managed to lower all three.When the state’s budget is squeezed by declining tax revenue, and areas of spending are under question, it seems the success of a government funded program couldn’t come at a better time. WORKS SITED 1. Michigan Department of Corrections. (2010). Michigan Prisoner ReEntry Initiative 2010 Progress Report. Lan sing: Public Policy Associates, Inc. 2. Wesoloski, E. (2011, April 15). Pew Center Report Lauds Michigan Prisoner Reentry Initiative. Prisons and Prisoners, p. 1. 3. Berro, M. (2006, March 13). Former Maccomb County Parole Supervisor, College Professor. (R. Spangler, Interviewer)

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Check Point Week 2 Criminal Justice

CheckPointCrime Reporting and Rates Response| Write a 200- to 300-word response in which you address the following questions:What is the purpose of major crime-reporting programs? What makes a successful crime-reporting program in the United States? * How do crime rates relate to arrest rates and clearance rates? Is there a way to improve the correlation between crime rates, arrest rates, and clearance rates in the effort to combat criminal activity? Post your response as an attachment. | According to the text, â€Å"Crime statistics provide an overview of criminal activity. If used properly, a statistical picture of crime can serve as a powerful tool for creating social policy. Decision makers at all levels, including legislators, other elected officials, and administrators throughout the criminal justice system, rely on crime data to analyze and evaluate existing programs, to fashion and design new crime-control initiatives, to develop funding requests, and to plan new laws and crime control legislation. Many â€Å"get tough† policies, such as the three-strikes movement that swept the country during the 1990s, have been based in large part on the measured ineffectiveness of existing programs to reduce the incidence of repeat offending. † (chapter 2 Criminal Justice Today: An Introductory Text for the 21st Century, Eleventh Edition, by Frank Schmalleger. Published by Prentice Hall. ) The clearance rate is calculated by dividing the number of crimes that are cleared by the total number of crimes recorded. Clearance rates can be very problematic for measuring the performance of the police services and for comparing different police services and this is possible because different police forces may employ a different way of measuring clearance rates. I think the number of clearance rates will vary depending on the crime rates in the precinct, reported or unreported. The crime rates relate to arrest rates as indicted by the Uniform Crime Report (UCR) and possibly the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS). There is no official predictor for criminal activity, however the higher the crime rate the higher the arrest rate. Greater population areas lend themselves to higher crime rates, although clearance rates are generally uniform across the nation with regard to particular crimes. There is an anomaly in criminology that shows increased arrests reduce crime but it is more of a measurement error because of the corollary where more arrests necessitate an increase in criminal activity as witnessed and/or reported.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Bolton Thermal Recovery Facility Case Study Essay - 1

Bolton Thermal Recovery Facility Case Study - Essay Example The waste material in itself is a mixture of trade, commercial and domestic wastes, and items that have been confiscated from customs and police departments. Also, the facilities and equipment that are fit and used in Bolton Thermal Recovery Facility heighten the need to consider the legal implications of BTRF. This state above especially due to the fact that by the magnitude of the equipment and facilities that are found in BTRF directly and readily warrants the need to factor environmental and economic implications in BTRF’s existence and operations. Among these facilities, materials and equipment are: an incinerator that has the capacity to burn municipal waste at about 16 tonnes per hour; the waste types that are collected and transported to the site; a large and deep reception pit; supplementary oil fired burners which ensure that temperature does not fall below 8500 C at all times; heat recovery boiler; a gas stream; filters; and international catering wastes. The BTFR h as also had total operational hours that run up to 6,793. This means that Bolton Thermal Recovery Facility is a busy site which must be guided by proper safety regulations which are founded upon environmental, economic and legal concerns. Because of this, the need to consider or craft policies that define legal, economic and environmental concerns of a plant as large as the Bolton Thermal Recovery Facility is paramount. As a consultant, it is therefore necessary to divulge details on legal liabilities that may arise from the environmental impacts of operating Bolton Thermal Recovery Facility and the necessary measures that need to be taken to ensure compliance with relevant consents. 1. The Policy, Environmental and Economic Drivers for the Development and Operation of the Facility The economic drivers for the development and operation of Bolton Thermal Recovery Facility are far reaching and should thus be seriously taken into consideration. For one, BTRF is run by Europe’s l argest public waste contract which is the Greater Manchester deal, which in turn costs 3.8 pounds. BTRF also deals with an array of numerous materials and energy recovery facilities, as previously mentioned. The fact that BTRF also has to combine RDF production processes and MBT-AD technological processes further stresses the magnitude of BTRF’s economic significance. Bedeyore (2010) points out that it is also important to consider the fact that the economic significance of BTRF dares back to 2009 when it was signed as a landmark agreement, to bring about an international waste management industry. The bid to help divert 75% of wastes from landfills in the Greater Manchester Waste Disposal Authority (GMWDA) led to the signing of Recycling and waste Management Contract with Viridor Laing Greater Manchester Limited. Following this, this contract houses over 30 facilities such as Material Recovery Facilities (MRF), transfer stations, Anaerobic Digestion (AD) plants, composting f acilities and thermal recovery Waste to Energy (WTE) facilities. All these facilities have been refurbished or built afresh. That BTFR is

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Women,crime and criminal justice Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Women,crime and criminal justice - Assignment Example Moreover, prisons are the culmination of several oppressions, including, class, ethnicity, indigenous status, and race. There is considerable discrimination against women in prisons, and this chiefly stems from their lesser proportion in the prison population. The security levels in prisons are grossly disproportionate to the lower seriousness of offending, which characterizes women offenders. Another disquieting feature of prisons, vis-Ã  -vis females is their tendency to isolate women to a much greater extent than men. This arises due to the smaller number of incarcerated females, which leads to the presence of fewer prisons in a specific geographical area. As such, women prisoners are subjected to greater social stigma than their male counterparts (Barberet, 2014, p. 163). In addition, prisons pathologize and infantilize females, thereby subjecting them to greater oppression. Hence, women should not be imprisoned for the less serious crimes. In addition, the close similarity in the conditions of women in prison, across the world, has made it possible to formulate international norms and guidelines for prisoners. Several of the international guidelines have suffered setbacks, due to cultural relativity or the imposition of Western standards. Prison standards have not been affected to the same extent by these influences (Barberet, 2014, p. 163). A major cause for this relative insularity is the fact that prisons are predominantly a Western institution that have been imposed via colonialism. As a consequence, the issues created for women in prisons tend to be quite similar across the world. This is despite the disparities in the manner of operation of prisons, the categories of females who are incarcerated, the crimes that these females have been charged with or sentenced for, the resources provided to female prisoners in the prisons, and the problems envisaged by these females

Beckett's prose Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Beckett's prose - Term Paper Example Considering the times, it makes sense that much of Samuel Beckett’s works—his plays, poetry, and novels—focus on the theme of madness. This reaches back very early in Beckett’s career, even in his first novel, Murphy, published in 1938. It explains why many consider Beckett an existentialist, although as Ackerley and Gontarski state, Beckett’s views are far removed from Sartre’s existentialism (501). Much of Beckett’s works, especially his plays written after the war, have existential themes, although it is incorrect to pigeonhole him as an existentialist. It seems that as Beckett progressed in his career, he became both more existential and minimalist. Beckett is often mislabeled as an existentialist because of his connection with Theatre of the Absurd as described by Martin Esslin (n.p.), who coined the phrase and used Beckett and Waiting for Godot as his main examples. Plays in the Theatre of the Absurd genre have been strongly influenced by existentialism. Esslin saw them as the fulfillment of the existential thinker Albert Camus’ concept of â€Å"the absurd.† By placing Beckett’s plays within the genre and connecting them with Camus, Beckett was subsequently wrongly closely associated with the existentialists. It cannot be denied, however, that Beckett’s works, even his earlier ones like Murphy, have existential themes. Esslin describes these themes as â€Å"the sense of metaphysical anguish at the absurdity of the human condition† and the â€Å"sense of the senselessness of life, of the inevitable devaluation of ideals, purity, and purpose† (n.p.). Beckett’s works, including Murphy, can be placed squarely within this tradition of writing. Murphy is Beckett’s second work of prose, and his first novel. Unlike most of his works, which were composed in French, it was written in his

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Applying the Principles in Our Organization Essay

Applying the Principles in Our Organization - Essay Example After the World War II, people around began to grow a sense of entitlement at their places of work, making employment look like a right rather than a duty or obligation (Koberg and Bagnall, 1981). This paper is designed to look at how entitlement meets several job requirements at work places for the employees in the hunt to apply the basic organizational principles. At Apple Computers, entitlement helps to meet this requirement as it ensures that team leaders emerge from within the organization. The organization has also put in place efficient communication channels that ensure suitable flow of quality information and timely feedback. In addition, the organization has mechanisms that identify outstanding employees and rewards them for their performance. All these activities aim at ensuring that employees in the organization are fully stretched to their maximum of their capabilities and grown as well. Learning of new skills is easier when the learner is interested and highly motivated or attracted towards the acquisition of that skill. Job entitlement at General Motors has been instrumental in ensuring that everyone understands that for one to develop, it takes motivation and not authority. The organization has invested heavily in developing the skills of their employees to ensure sound future leadership. Many leaders fail owing to their lack of exercising of the above principles. In order to have an effective team for a given task, the team leader must have a sense of entitlement and understand it in order to ensure that their decision making process is in line with the organizational procedures. In addition, they have to develop a team and not an individual. The process for acquiring a suitable team will involve a number of activities key among them being; i. The team leader has to pick the correct people in making the team. To do this, they need detailed information

Friday, July 26, 2019


TO BE READ DEMOGRAPHIC AND DISAPPEARING MERCHANDISE - Article Example The main contributors to the major losses experienced by retail organizations through shrinkage include shoplifting and employee theft, which is mostly rampant among the young workers (Avery, McKay & Hunter, 2012). Methods Data used in this research was obtained from the annual employee survey in the United States (Avery, McKay & Hunter, 2010). However, workers from stores with over 50 employees participated for generality purposes. The method was appropriate because it shunned individualism which might have led to victimization. However, most of the findings comprised the female subjects representing 83.7% of the total number of all the study’s participants. In addition, the study did not include other industries and firms; hence it never attained the highest generalization aspect. The entire study proved very sensible as the findings were from retail workers coming from 726 company stores (Avery, McKay & Hunter 2010). Suppose it is necessary, one is capable of conducting the entire study again because its data emanated from annual employee survey (Avery, McKay & Hunter, 2012). In addition, researchers incorporated the human resource department with the intention of ensuring high accuracy in their findings (Avery, McKay & Hunter 2010). ... These changes in their personality and ethical development, older employees are therefore less prone to shrinkage related behaviors but tend to blow whistle whenever they sense fraud or theft cases (Avery, McKay & Hunter, 2012). Therefore, stores with higher employee mean age tend to have lower shrinkage cases because proper ethical behaviors exhibited by older employees foster collective honest attitudes in the entire workforce. The evidence provided by the author appears reliable. This is because age composition in many retail shops most of them prefer employing older employees than younger ones. However, the evidence does not provide core reason behind the influence of younger workers’ attitudes by older workers. According to Guerin, businesses incur great losses annually due to shrinkage cases resulting from shoplifting and employees’ theft. In addition, study cites 66% of the retail shoplifting employees opts to steal if they see their colleagues stealing successfu lly (Guerin, 2010). The study also cites 13% of the same category prefers stealing from the business regardless of the consequences (Guerin, 2010). Avery, McKay & Hunter argue suppose retail staffs pay attention to customers with the intention of preventing them from stealing and encourage employees to adhere to the specified code of conducts, they will significantly reduce shrinkages in the business. This is via actively moving around the store, proper positioning and reporting any wrongdoing to the administration (Avery, McKay & Hunter, 2012). Contribution to the Literature Variety of factors tends to influence the rate of shrinkages evident in retail organizations, for instance, nature

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Dynamic Development of Marketing Management Strategies and Article

Dynamic Development of Marketing Management Strategies and Organizational Performance - Article Example The strategy is simply a choice. Prosperity is linked not only with profitability but also the long term growth. It's like steering a ship in the ocean with the danger that pirates may take over, or it might become the victim of the deadly waves. The ship here refers to the company itself and the challenged here include the competitors, the environment etc. Thus, there is a strong need for the managers to make a strategy that works as an action plan to achieve the aimed objectives. The objectives may be both financial such as higher revenues, lower costs, high profits and non-financial just to be the top in the industry, largest market share, or to place the product in the top minds of the customers. Thus, the need arises to have a blueprint that tells how to go about it Companies need to diverse, differentiate, integrate backward or forwards, and manage business portfolio balanced. The managers need to do planning, develop a vision, has to set their mission, develop long term plans and these all are further divided into different objectives and goals. But it is important that the strategy is to be consistent with the organizational goals and policies, it should be flexible enough to respond to the faster-changing environment in which it is operating, and it should add value to the organization and become a source of advantage over its competitors, and lastly, it should be feasible and practical enough to get through. Strategic management can be defined as the art and science of formulating, implementing, and evaluating cross-functional decisions that enable an organization to achieve its objectives (David F.R., Strategic Management). The process of strategic management involves three stages, viz. formulation of a strategy, implementing a strategy and lastly, evaluating the strategy. Since organizations have limited resources thus they need to choose from amongst the alternatives available. Setting a strategy starts with developing a strategic vision so as to provide long term direction, and provide a purpose to the organization. The strategic vision is then converted into specific performance objectives for the company to achieve. And then forming strategies to achieve the desired outcomes that have been developed in the form of objectives. This all was the planning portion of the process; no strategy is useful until it is implemented and executed effectively and efficiently. In the end, the eval uation stage begins which requires comparing actual i.e. the reality with the planned.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

American Idea Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

American Idea - Essay Example This disposable culture is the latest and greatest American contribution to history. But it is also true that it does not provide any alternative form of storage. This has led to a lot of instability. Consider finding a library under the earth due to some natural calamity, we could still have access to the books once the repairs are done but what would be the state of the computer related memory storage systems such as memory sticks,CDs etc.We will have absolutely no access to these regardless of how much storage space they hold. If any one has committed any wrong act, the person is punished. And hence there is justice for all. But in spite of this rule, there have been so many loop holes and there have been instances where evil minded people, smugglers and other criminals who get away with their wrong doings. Independence/freedom is the core value which is given most importance in this world. Everyone wants freedom and independence which is good and will definitely boost up ones positive attitude. But this freedom is also misused in several ways. Children who are so young become victims to so many criminal activities such as taking drugs, becoming alcoholics or chain smokers which are very harmful to health all just because they have the freedom to do what they want. It fosters an excessive individualism, an unfettered reliance on markets, and an unrelenting distrust of government - each of which impedes our capacity to address urgent societal problems. We adapt to change while remaining anchored to core values. Change is inevitable and people believe it only because of adapting to change we have grown so far. And America leads the way here as well.Globalization, terrorism, resource scarcity, consumerism and technological advances are among the forces that test economical and political institutions and our values. An information free-for-all makes it hard to discover truth and distinguish between the significant and the trivial. And hence a bunch of fighters arise over a bunch of people who should fell like one big family and work towards destroying the world rather than creating harmony. The biggest challenge facing the American idea is how to anchor enduring values in this time of rapid and discordant change. Religious and cultural norms of a simpler past seem unable to secure shared values in the complex present. Future: It is certainly very difficult to find a place characterized by justice and freedom, but if the future has to be better than what it's been all this while, America must be the role model for the rest of the world. As regards moral leadership, America stands first in helping and leading her own country and also some of the other suffering countries. This idea may not be true in every sense but we must strive towards the achievement of the same as it is the only hope for freedom in the world which every human being strives for at the end of the day. America means development, liberty, justice and equal opportunity for all. And hence this idea of America should be

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

College and career goals and why I should receive this schlorship Essay

College and career goals and why I should receive this schlorship - Essay Example I decided to pursue a career in acting at an early age and my first experience was when I was in third grade. I took part in the third grade talent show, my performance was exemplary, and the audience together with my teacher was thoroughly impressed and encouraged me to pursue a career in acting. Since then I have taken acting classes at KD Studios in Dallas. Additionally, I have taken part in a movie (A Race against Time- The Sharla Bulter Story Extra MSD Production Directed by Maurice Durham) as an extra and several school plays. I am also a member of the National Thespian Society and was the President of the Desoto Chapter Of the National Thespian Society (2013/14) and won the Award for All Star Cast (Lead) – UIL One Act Play â€Å"The Insanity of Mary Girard† (2013) Dancing (Hip Hop). I always keep myself updated with the developments taking place in the acting (Conley 99). My academic performance is satisfactory and I have a 3.3 GPA. I am also an avid learner who is willing to do all it takes to excel in my studies. While I continuously looking for ways to improve my proficiency in acting, this scholarship would transform my life and help me achieve my career goals. The institution’s rationale for choosing Justin as the best candidate for the scholarship lies behind the fact that he is a talented, motivated and experienced actor who is willing to do all that it take to improve his acting

Sue Monk Kidd’s The Secret Life of Bees Essay Example for Free

Sue Monk Kidd’s The Secret Life of Bees Essay In Sue Monk Kidd’s novel The Secret Life of Bees there is a psychological allegory present, which is proven by the characters in the story. The psychological allegory is based on the theory by Sigmund Freud, this theory states that in the human brain there is three major psychological portions, the id, the ego, and the super ego. The id is the portion that induces selfishness and hatred and other â€Å"bad† actions, the super ego is the opposite of the id, putting others before ones self and caring for others, the ego is the perfect balance between the two and is almost always the psyche portrayed be the protagonist. In this novel it is T. Ray who illustrates the id, through his bad treatment of Lily, his lack of commitment to Rosaleen, and his selfishness when Lily is gone. May Boatwright is the character who illustrates the super ego by her innocence, her caring and by her need for perfection. The ego is portrayed be Lily, through her good decision making, her panning abilities, and by the way she stands up to her father. All of these characters are uniquely important to proving the psychological allegory that can be found in this novel. In this story it is the character T. Ray who fills the role of the id in the psychological allegory, T. Ray fills this role by the way he treats Lily, the way he doesn’t care about his worker; Rosaleen, and by the way he only thinks of himself during lily’s absence. T. Ray’s only family left to him is his daughter Lily, yet he still treats her poorly. T. Ray finds Lily outside in the dark and without any proof of misbehaviour he punishes her rather severely â€Å"He poured a mound of grits the size of an anthill onto the pine floor â€Å"Get over here and kneel down† (p24) T. Ray seems to almost enjoy punishing Lily, perhaps because he still blames her for his wife’s death. This is a trait which fits the id portion of the psyche. T. Ray does not seem to care about the only other adult in the house he lives in; Rosaleen. Rosaleen is the closest thing he has to a friend and T. Ray couldn’t care less for her. Lily is trying to convince T. Ray to let Rosaleen out of jail, and T. Ray refuses â€Å" What I ,mean is, I wouldn’t be surprised if he flat out killed her â€Å" (p30) T. Ray know Rosaleen might die but he still wont try to help her because it would mean standing up to the people of his  community. He is only thinking of himself, which is a quality of the id. T. Ray also only thinks of himself when Lily leaves him, instead of considering the fact that she might be happier without him. T. Ray has found Lily at the Boatwright house and is insisting she come back â€Å"I spent half my summer looking for you, and I’m taking you out of here† (290) T. Ray spent half his summer looking for Lily because he was happier with her, instead of thinking of Lily and considering the fact that she might be happier with out him. In this he was only thinking of himself and was demonstrating the id. Through all of these excerpts it can de determined that the character of T. Ray demonstrates the id in the psychological allegory, through his bad treatment of Lily, his lack of caring with Rosaleen, and the way he only thinks of himself. In this novel the character of May Boatwright portrays the super ego, by her unbiased caring, by her innocence, and by her need for perfection. May cares for every one no matter what race or gender, and created a wall to pray for the people of the world. May has just heard that Zach is in jail and is upset â€Å"I’m going to the wall† (p187) May knows Zach is in trouble so she immediately starts praying for him, this shows a great amount of caring which is a super ego quality. May is also extremely innocent when it comes to the people around her. May becomes very upset when she sees a Negro man dead with a widow and her family â€Å"that’s all right, May. Let all misery slide right off you† (p89) May is demonstrating the super ego be the way she is putting other people before herself and is feeling their misery. May has a need for perfection which is in keeping with her super ego character. May is making pancakes for every one and shows Lily’s to her â€Å"This ones yours† â€Å"L for Lily† (p103) May is not going to be happy with just a plain pancake, she is making a perfect L for Lily. This is a quality of the super ego. Each of these quotes shows the ways the character May Boatwright acts as the super ego in this story, through her caring, her innocence, and her need for perfection May fits this potion of the psychological allegory. The last character who completes the psychological allegory is Lily herself who portrays the ego. She does this through her calm decision making, her panning ahead, and the way she stand up to her father. The character Lily  has good calm decisions making. Lily is at home after Rosaleen’s encounter with the men â€Å"In a matter of seconds I knew what I had to do-leave. I had to get away from T. Ray who would be back soon† (p41) Lily does not panic, she does not give up, she simply makes the best decision available to her, which is an ego trait. Lily also has good planning skills; she thinks ahead and does not get stuck in the present. Lily and Rosaleen have just reached the outskirts of Tiburon â€Å"If we can find some place open when we get into town ill go get us some food† â€Å"if they don’t have a hotel we’ll have to rent a room† (p60) Lily is portraying the ego by the way she is planning for the future to insure she and Rosaleen will have food and shelter. In the end of the novel Lily displace the Ego by the way she stands up to her father. T. Ray has come to The Boatwright house to find Lily and bring her home â€Å"I’m Staying here† â€Å"I’m not leaving† (p296) Lily is standing up for what she wants and is taking control of her own life, and is portraying the ego. By her decision making, planning and standing up for herself, it can be determined that Lily is the ego of this novel. Each of these characters has uniquely contributed to the psychological allegory that is present in this novel. T. Ray representing the id by his bad treatment of lily, his lack of caring for Rosaleen, and his selfish ways. May demonstrates the super ego by her caring, innocence, and perfection. And Lily portraying the ego, by her planning, decision making, and the way she stands up for herself. Through all of this proof it can be determined that there is a psychological allegory present in this novel.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Aida Model Essay Example for Free

Aida Model Essay Every day were bombarded with headlines like these that are designed to grab our attention. In a world full of advertising and information – delivered in all sorts of media from print to websites, billboards to radio, and TV to text messages – every message has to work extremely hard to get noticed. And its not just advertising messages that have to work hard; every report you write, presentation you deliver, or email you send is competing for your audiences attention. As the world of advertising becomes more and more competitive, advertising becomes more and more sophisticated. Yet the basic principles behind advertising copy remain – that it must attract attention and persuade someone to take action. And this idea remains true simply because human nature doesnt really change. Sure, we become increasingly discerning, but to persuade people to do something, you still need to grab their attention, interest them in how your product or service can help them, and then persuade them to take the action you want them to take, such as buying your product or visiting your website. The acronym AIDA is a handy tool for ensuring that your copy, or other writing, grabs attention. The acronym stands for: Attention (or Attract) Interest Desire Action. These are the four steps you need to take your audience through if you want them to buy your product or visit your website, or indeed to take on board the messages in your report. A slightly more sophisticated version of this is AIDCA/AIDEA, which includes an additional step of Conviction/Evidence between Desire and Action. People are so cynical about advertising messages that coherent evidence may be needed if anyone is going to act! How to Use the Tool: Use the AIDA approach when you write a piece of text that has the ultimate objective of getting others to take action. The elements of the acronym are as follows: 1. Attention/Attract In our media-filled world, you need to be quick and direct to grab peoples attention. Use powerful words, or a picture that will catch the readers eye and make them stop and read what you have to say next. With most office workers suffering from e-mail overload, action-seeking e-mails need subject lines that will encourage recipients to open them and read the contents. For example, to encourage people to attend a company training session on giving feedback, the email headline, How effective is YOUR feedback? is more likely to grab attention than the purely factual one of, This weeks seminar on feedback. 2. Interest This is one of the most challenging stages: Youve got the attention of a chunk of your target audience, but can you engage with them enough so that theyll want to spend their precious time understanding your message in more detail? Gaining the readers interest is a deeper process than grabbing their attention. They will give you a little more time to do it, but you must stay focused on their needs. This means helping them to pick out the messages that are relevant to them quickly. So use bullets and subheadings, and break up the text to make your points stand out. For more information on understanding your target audiences interests and expectations, and the context of your message, read our article on the Rhetorical Triangle. 3. Desire The Interest and Desire parts of AIDA go hand-in-hand: As youre building the readers interest, you also need to help them understand how what youre offering can help them in a real way. The main way of doing this is by appealing to their personal needs and wants. So, rather than simply saying Our lunchtime seminar will teach you feedback skills, explain to the audience whats in it for them: Get what you need from other people, and save time and frustration, by learning how to give them good feedback. Feature and Benefits (FAB) A good way of building the readers desire for your offering is to link features and benefits. Hopefully, the significant features of your offering have been designed to give a specific benefit to members of your target market. When it comes to the marketing copy, its important that you dont forget those benefits at this stage. When you describe your offering, dont just give the facts and features, and expect the audience to work out the benefits for themselves: Tell them the benefits clearly to create that interest and desire. Example: This laptop case is made of aluminum, describes a feature, and leaves the audience thinking So what? Persuade the audience by adding the a stylish look, thats kinder to your back and shoulders. You may want to take this further by appealing to peoples deeper drives giving effortless portability and a sleek appearance and that will be the envy of your friends and co-workers. 4. Conviction As hardened consumers, we tend to be skeptical about marketing claims. Its no longer enough simply to say that a book is a bestseller, for example, but readers will take notice if you state (accurately, of course!), that the book has been in the New York Times Bestseller List for 10 weeks, for example. So try to use hard data where its available. When you havent got the hard data, yet the product offering is sufficiently important, consider generating some data, for example, by commissioning a survey. 5. Action Finally, be very clear about what action you want your readers to take; for example, Visit now for more information rather than just leaving people to work out what to do for themselves. See more at: file:///C:/Users/GOPAL%20RATHORE/Downloads/

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Quality Performance of Streaming Video(s) over Networks

Quality Performance of Streaming Video(s) over Networks   ABSTRACT Video-based sharing services have gained a rapid fluctuation in users over recent years with the help of the ever-growing internet availability, reaching even the most rural of areas, gaining an increasing share in the multimedia market. Online streaming videos should fulfil strict quality of service constraints. Internet streaming relies upon packet transmission; there are varying influences such as delays, packet loss, transmission errors, data loss and bandwidth restrictions that all influence the quality and playability of a video. This causes serious problems for the end user as the producers of videos rely on the end-users. Therefore, the results of this paper can help users determine whether they can view videos in a high quality whilst preserving smooth video transmission. With the use of detailed diagrams, we can see how the network reacts to buffering, low network speeds and congestion in-order to keep sending video data. Keywords: YouTube, streaming, video, video streaming, network measurement, QoS, TCP, RTSP INTRODUCTION During the last 10 years theres been a significate growth of the internet video streaming websites such as YouTube (USA), Vimeo (USA), Twitch (USA), Daily Motion (France), Vevo (USA) have grown exponentially in popularity and by viewing the growth of the internet and more and more gadgets connecting to the internet [6], they will keep growing. YouTube alone have over one billion users [4], which in return equates to billions of video requests every day. Global Consumer Internet Video for 2016 is 29,046PB (petabyte), the year 2017 is estimated at 38,297 with a steady yearly increase of 14,000PB[7]. This therefore causes a strain on the internet service providers (ISPs) to increase bandwidth in order to provide stronger/wider and faster broadband connectivity to accommodate such growth. This in comparison to File sharing such as peer-to-peer which includes the likes of BitTorrent which in 2016 was calculated at 5,938PB and has declined to 5,858PB in 2017 with a slight variance there-on -after. In North America alone, YouTube accounts of 17.9% of bandwidth whereas the likes of BitTorrent only account for 2.7% [8]. The most important part of accumulating a vast growth of users and popularity is the fact that YouTube is free, from viewing videos, upload your own videos, streaming live or following your favourite channels. It can all be done by signing up to a free account, this ensures that the website can be viewed by a wider audience rather than those of that can legally pay and older, there is a small compromise to pay in the form of adverts randomly placed in-between or at the beginning of videos. Coupled with the fact that YouTube has now offered to pay YouTubers real currency for the popularity of their own videos ensures an even higher number of users.   They have recently launched a premium service called YouTube Red, which is their premium service to those willing to pay $10 a month; the benefits include Google Play Music subscription, ad-free videos and premium content not available to free users [9]. YouTube does not have many competitors that can match its popularity but there are some in the likes of Vimeo who have over 100 million visitors per month [10] and a more artistic community where promotional and corporate videos are prohibited, they have four tiers of accounts; Free, Plus, PRO or business each varying is ways from their counterparts. However, a very important difference between the two in the way videos are played. Vimeo uses a constant rate factor (CRF) of 20 whereas YouTube incorporates variable bitrate mode, which allows for lower overall bitrates while maintaining quality. YouTube allows 60fps, 4K 3D, Vimeo does not, and this is a reason why Vimeo is not as large as YouTube. YouTube has a leading edge compared to others in the respect that where others have strictly controlled content, normally professionally produced, YouTube does not; videos can be uploaded by anyone whom has access to the internet. Interne t Connection has high unpredictability rates in the regards of latency and speed reliability, which all depends on location and ISPs with traffic times, network infrastructure and work load. Videos viewed via the internet is more problematic compared to say, television, thus, YouTube infrastructure manages playback using various methods. BODY Transmission from client to server YouTube uses Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) is an application-level protocol, which controls delivery of data with real-time properties; it enables controlled, on-demand delivery of real-time data, such as audio and video [11]. The server starts by sending small RTP (Real-Time Transport Protocol) packets, the data in a bitrate chosen, is sent to the client where their buffer is loaded only slightly before playback occurs. This ensures that not too much bandwidth is used in case the user decides not to continue playing the video, as users dont have a static internet connection, if the user or YouTubes servers recognise inconsistencies in the connection e.g. packet loss, an altered bitrate can be used instead e.g. the server sends the video but in a reduced encoding rate. When it comes to video playback, smooth transmission is key, without it users grow tired of continual pausing, dropped frames etc. and leave, this cannot do. Therefore, the use of TCP ensures pre-fetching and buf fering to ensure smooth playback. As bandwidth is something of an issue when loading videos constantly whilst ensuring smooth continuous playback, TCP guarantees reliable transmission for a no-loss of frames. It also has probing bandwidth and congestion control which will attempt to use all available bandwidth for fetching content as soon as possible. However as YouTube has introduced live streaming in 2015 which opts for UDP (User Datagram Protocol), an application layer protocol, UDP is used because minimum pre-fetching can be done where buffering and pausing is somewhat of a nuisance and should be reduced at all cost as everything is live. It is conjoined with RTSP, another application layer protocol which helps with video streaming. A major drawback of using UDP is that firewalls from ISP or companies are not in favour of allowing the protocol, which cause video traffic and throttling problems. However, with the advantage of lower overhead, the compensation of a few dropped pack et will suffice. In order to deliver videos the use of Content Delivery Networks (CDN), it works by using a globally distributed network of proxy servers, whose job it is to serve content to end-users (the users who are watching the videos) at high performance, where, when a user clicks on a video it is served from the nearest Data Centre from their geolocation. YouTube, before the buyout from Google used LimeLight Networks (LLNW), afterwards Google built their own CDN. Most CDN servers are configured to support web services, therefore streaming over HTTP goes hand in hand, and most firewalls are configured to allow HTTP traffic. The usage of DASH (Dynamic Adaptive Streaming) over HTTP is common practice where the video is split into chunks of various resolutions thus, the player can easily switch into another resolution when the internet bandwidth changes which equates to smooth playback. Video Playback Quality As of January 2015, YouTube migrated to HTML5 for its default web player. YouTube first checks to see if the clients browser supports both, HTML5, H.264 codec or WebM VP8. Many browsers support an in-built flash player, which removes the need for installation of Adobe Flash Player, which has seen a decline in usage, with the amount of resources it requires and security flaws [14]. In addition, as devices such as Apple do not have support for flash there is a large market excluded. The use of HTML5s Adaptive Bitrate (ABR) is key [Figure 1]; it allows the player to switch resolutions based on users network quality. This has reduced buffering by more than 50% globally and as much as 80% on heavily congested networks [15]. YouTube switched from progressive downloads to adaptive bitrate streaming to allow for switching of quality without the need to re-buffer and start from the beginning. YouTube is constantly analysing connection speeds between the client and server, when it detects the bandwidth is deteriorating, a lower bitrate video stream is selected, in order to create a seamless playback experience for the end-user the buffer stream is loaded a few seconds ahead of your current position. From the users perspective, the key trait of a network is Quality of Service (QoS) of the content they are streaming. Whilst using HTTP, video transmission is reliable, HTTP reassures the user that there is no packet loss or video disturbance. Experiments Buffering over various internet speeds With the use of Wireshark, various experiments were done to see how packets are send from YouTube to client whilst watching a video under different network conditions and playback quality. To extract only YouTube video packet data, the filter tcp.port eq 443 was used, all graphs were set to a tick interval of 1 second with a pixel per tick of 10 and the units used in the graph are packets/Tick with a scale of 10000, all data is coming from Wi-Fi only. Buffering Time over Wi-Fi connectivity (No Throttling) using a forced 720p video Figure 2, displayed above shows a YouTube clip, which spans a total of 8:36 minutes. The graph depicts a burst of data thats sent initially on load. After the few second burst, the data rate reduces considerably. YouTube server initially sends the video as soon as possible for the initial buffering before significantly reducing the sending rate. Once the video has buffered fully, the rate of packet sending drops to near zero. Buffering Time over 3G connectivity (1.5mb/s, 750kb/s) using a forced 720p video Figure 3 depicts how a YouTube video is loaded whilst on a 3G connection; the clip used is the same as Figure 2, for comparative reasons. The burst seen in the graph spans for a greater period than on a faster connection. The video instantly plays but YouTubes server loads data for longer before finally reducing the frequency of data being sent. The player buffers for a quarter length from the current position of the playing position before finally stopping for a brief moment to allow catch-up, which can be depicted on the graph where the throttle rate drops to This is mainly due to QoE, which is based on human perception, where the user doesnt care for statistics such as packet loss etc. but rather in the quality of their video, they want to be able to view the video as soon as possible and at the best quality that is available. Buffering Time over GPRS connectivity (50kb/s, 20kb/s) and the effects of having a reduced bandwidth Figure 4 depicts the packets that are received whilst on a GPRS connection, reduction in the transmission rate in-turn has resulted in bandwidth significantly reduced, the impact almost certainly forces re-buffering to occur, which reduces the QoE for the user. This results in a longer queuing delay at network nodes and increases server-to-user delays, as the graph shows, the amount of data stored by the inbuilt players buffer is diminutive, as the initial burst did not store enough on load, the video is constantly buffering and playing leading to an endless need to re-buffer to continue. This can be seen at seconds; 120, 145 165, with seconds; 135, 150, 160 being the periods in which data is being transmitted, which consequently dont last long as periods of re-buffering flow directly afterwards. Video delivery over various video quality Figure 5 shows how a single video is re-loaded and buffered from the users current position. Each time a quality change is introduced, the video stops for a brief moment and the buffer pool is restocked with the new video quality data. The higher the quality of video, the more data is introduced initially to ensure that the video starts immediately, as the graph depicts, the lower the quality, the less of an initial burst is needed, as the size of the video is equitably reduced too, YouTube therefore can send all the data for the video quickly. As the video quality is higher, the size of the video being transmitted will also be higher. Network Speed Download Upload Regular 3G 750 kb/s 250kb/s Good 3G 1.5 Mb/s 750 Kb/s Regular 4G 4 Mb/s 3.0 Mb/s Compare this to a mobile phone when outside using data connection for example, 3G 4G connection, as there are many more collisions and obstructions whilst outside compared to a consistent Wi-Fi signal, the results are very different. With the location of the user a key aspect of reliable data transmission and how close the user is to the radio tower. Quality Duration 1080p 0 100s 720p 101s 200s 480p 210s 300s 360p 301s 400s 240p 401s 500s 144p 501s 600s By using network-measuring tools, figure 6 depicts the measurements taken for a single video to load over various qualities via regular 3G, good 3G and regular 4G connection. The results vary compared to Wi-Fi where the transmission is reliable, there are fluctuations in the transmission and the amount of data being sent, whereas Wi-Fi could send a considerable amount in the initial burst of the loading, 3G and 4G do not. Starting with regular 3g, 1080p, 720 and 480p quality videos spend a considerable amount buffering. There was not an initial burst of data that YouTubes servers transmitted, as network speeds were low, the first few seconds where spent buffering and then the video played, the video soon after paused, as buffering had to recommence to gather more data. The results show that in the initial stages of buffering with 4G connection, the amount of packets being sent are high, this is to ensure the user is able to view the video as soon as possible without interference, as the bandwidth is high, a large amount of packets can be sent, this ensures no pausing. YouTube servers application layer is not greedy where it feeds the TCP stack at a rate given by the private throttling algorithm. The TCP layer manages the buffering, when the transmission rate at TCP layer is reduced, the data that cannot be transmitted begins to be stored in the buffer, which can be seen in the 144p portion from 510 seconds onwards. However, when the buffer is occupied, the TCP layer is blocked from sending more data. This can also be shown via YouTubes stats for nerds feature [Figure 7], where when the video is done buffering to the max size of the video file, the network activity drops to a dead 0. With the more limited bandwidth of 3G connectivity, the video has to buffer for longer as with the capped transmission rate, not as much video data can be sent with more frequent throttling. Conclusion Overall, it is clear that the higher the quality, the more bandwidth is needed in-order to view the content with no interference. Limiting bandwidth had effects on the overall quality where YouTube would automatically decrease or increase the quality accordingly. Looking at the graphs produced, choosing to view content at a high quality on speeds of, for example, 3G will result in a in-viewable experience where the end-user will have to wait considerable amounts of time to even view small portions of content. The results of viewing video show that YouTubes progressive download algorithm starts by transferring an initial burst of data at the end users maximum available bandwidth and then uses a sophisticated throttling algorithm to implement a data rate that is more suited. This is key in making sure the user gets to view the video as soon as possible without tirelessly needed to pause and wait for the buffer pool to fill again. QoE is an important factor that YouTube have taken into consideration to ensure that even if the user has a limited bandwidth, by using DASH, they are always able to view the video even if it is at the lowest quality available. For smooth transmission of high quality video, bandwidth should be atleast >=3mbps. Where enjoyable watching on medium quality should start at least 1Mbps. References Yabe, M., Yokota, S. and Nakajima, T. (2006). A Quality Evaluation of High-Speed Video Streaming on Congested IP Networks. IEEEXplore, [online] p.1. Available at: [Accessed 13 Mar. 2017]. (2017). How Television Broadcasting Works. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Mar. 2017]. (2017). Top 10 Best Alternatives To YouTube TheTopTens ®. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Mar. 2017]. MakeUseOf. (2017). 21 Amazingly Interesting YouTube Facts in 2016. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Mar. 2017]. (2017). Statistics YouTube. [online] Available at: [Accessed 19 Mar. 2017]. Provider, S. and Papers, W. (2017). The Zettabyte Era Trends and Analysis Cisco. [online] Cisco. Available at: [Accessed 19 Mar. 2017]. Provider, S. and Papers, W. (2017). White paper: Cisco VNI Forecast and Methodology, 2015-2020. [online] Cisco. Available at: [Accessed 20 Mar. 2017]. Rosoff, M. (2017). 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Saturday, July 20, 2019

Vouchers and School Choice are Not Necessary :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics

The issue of "choice", like so many other novel educational reform attempts, serve once again to highlight the fact that something is desperately wrong with the current educational system. While everyone seems to be fully aware of the need for change, no one really knows where to start. In the process of making sense of this need to pin down the problems that beset education, many end up latching on to any novel idea that even vaguely offers the hope of finally bringing that educational calm and success everyone so desperately longs for. The problem with this hit-and-run approach is that it almost always ends up fragmenting the communities and societies that should in fact be pooling their energies and resources on the issue of educational reform. Name me ANY reform movement, and I'll show you at least two camps for each of them - one "for", and one "against". The proponents of educatonal choice have, over time, carefully built up their pool of arguments in support of its implementation. To fully understand this perspective, and before I share mine, I have selected a collection of quotes from various proponents of educational choice which should present, albeit statically, the central issues underlying the concerns of these and many other students, parents, and teachers. In the process of reading them, please try to focus on the issues they represent rather than the emotions that presently drive them. "It is time to develop political muscle for parents and children. We know that our urban public school systems are hopelessly broken. We know that unless the parents of children in public schools are able to threaten to enroll their children in competing private schools, the public schools will never be held accountable." "Lessons must be learned from Voucher Bill Defeat", Joseph Walsh "The most recent National Assessment of Education Progress reading test reports that 30% of high school seniors, 31% of eighth graders, and 42% of fourth graders couldn't reach "basic" reading levels. Those students who have spent from four to thirteen years in school, don't have even "partial mastery" of the reading skills expected at their grade level." "The High Cost of Rationing Literacy", Martha C. Brown "There is no more important issue today than the education of our children. We could possibly disagree that our society - crippled by gang violence, teen pregnancy, and welfare dependancy - would experience a Renaissance if every child received quality education?

Intelligence is Key Essay examples -- Art, Celtic Literature

Celtic literature features a full complement of female characters that deserve recognition; from warriors and rulers, to helpmates and daughters. Female characters, like their male counterparts, often have actions motivated by passion. The Morrà ­gan and Macha, act out of anger, disrupting a hero or cursing generations to come. Others such as Fà ºamnach, act out of jealousy, causing a series of events to unfold. However, the women who incite or prompt action due to their intelligence or wit – Rhiannon, Emer, Medb, Nes, and Mac Daa Tho’s Wife – are arguably the most complex and fascinating. Rhiannon purposefully, and with thought, gains the attention of the King Pywll and uses him to avoid an unwanted marriage. Rhiannon appears to King Pywll and his retainers halfway through branch one of The Mabigoni, on three consecutive days, riding a horse that even-paced, no other horse can match. On the third day, Pwyll himself rides after her, only able to catch up after requesting her to stop. They begin conversing and, in a single exchange Rhiannon both declares love for Pwyll and announces her engagement to another. She temps him: â€Å"I have never desired any man, and that because of loving you†, then announces her unavailability (â€Å"Pwyll,† 45). Rhiannon essentially ensnares Pwyll, allying herself with him and ensuring he will turn against her current suitor, Gwawl son of Clud. However, Rhiannon leaves nothing to chance. This strong female character even directs Pwyll’s actions in attaining her hand, and advises him when he blunders. She sets the time and place for her retrieval: â€Å"A year from tonight, in the court of Hyfaidd Hen† (Ford, 45). When her former suitor arrives in the midst of celebration, Pywll rashly promises anything he wa... ...tices that: â€Å"Sleeplessness has come to Macc Da Thà ³Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s house/ He has need of advice but speaks to no one† (Gantz, 181). She suggests that her mind may comprehend what his cannot, and he tells her his blunder, that he promised the hound to two. She suggests that he â€Å"give the dog to both sides- [and] let them fight over it,† (Gantz, 181). This would prevent one party from picking up the hound, and then the other party arriving and attacking him in anger. Though her plan does not go as hoped, she does offer a solution, protecting her husband from blame (the two parties are too engrossed with each other). Celtic mythology features a full complement of women who play an important role. Rhiannon, Emer, Medb, Nes, and Mac Daa Tho’s Wife use their intelligence to help further themselves, to enable those they love, or to protect. They create kings, heroes and alliances.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Jane Adams Essay -- essays research papers

			Jane Addams 	Even as a little girl in the serene community of Cedarville, in northern Illinois, Jane Addams was "busy with the old question eternally suggested by the inequalities of the human lot."(Pg.47 Ch.1) There were not many inequalities in Cedarville, but even there were poverty and frustration: the war widows, the desolate old couple who had lost all five of their sons, the farmers who were victims of the postwar depression, and the newcomers who could never really get started. And when she visited the neighboring town, she was shocked by the appearance of the dwellings and, characteristically, wondered what could be done to make them less horrid. She could sympathize with the misfits and the victims of society for she herself felt very less than perfect as she describes; "an ugly, pigeon-toed little girl whose crooked back obliged her to walk with her head held very much upon one side,"(pg.44 ch.1). She was constantly afraid that she might embarrass the handso me father she adored. Her father John Adams was a successful businessman and politician who tried to pass on to his daughter his ideals of hard work, achievement, democracy, and equality. He taught her tolerance, generosity, and strong work ethics which were all traits of his Quaker faith. He encouraged her to pursue higher education but not at the cost of losing her femininity and the prospect of marriage and motherhood. John Addams was Cedarville's most re...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Levi Roots

How does Levi Roots use language to sell his product to the dragons? Levi Roots uses spoken language devices to persuade the dragons to invest in his product. He uses a variety of spoken language techniques such as pausing, overlapping, turn taking and accent in order to persuade the dragons. The dragons respond in a warm way, and join in the humour Levi creates throughout the interview; this suggests that Levi root was successful in persuading the dragons. His use of language also sets mood and tone in different situations throughout the interview.As Levi enters the room, he starts to sing a song. This catches the dragon’s attention as they have never been welcomed in such way before. This suggests that they are amused and are willing to hear what Levi has to share with the dragons. There is light humour at the start of the interaction when Levi decides to joke about his own name, ‘My real name (. ) is Keith’ the slight pause may suggest possible reluctance, as h e may feel uncomfortable in sharing his name with other people.However, he may also be pausing for comic effect because he knows what the response will be and how the dragons will react in return. Most of the times, Levi uses pausing to create humour and comic effect, this helps him to create bond with the dragons. Throughout the interview, Levi overlaps the dragons, not mainly because of disagreement but to show that he understands and respects their views and ideas as well as making polite explanations. ‘|Thank you very much (. ) no it’s not it’s my studio name’ Levi overlaps when Theo Paphitis asks if Levi Roots is his ‘real name’.He makes a polite explanation and tells him that his real name is Keith. However, the fact that ‘Levi Roots’ is his studio name shows that he has an original name whom nearly most of the people will call him by. Moreover, the fact that only famous and professional people have studio names shows the dr agons that Levi Roots may be one of them or ‘can’ be one of them in the future if he is able to convince the dragons to invest in his product. Levi’s varies his choices of words and phrases to persuade them. ‘I don’t see me would have†¦ this is an example of Levi’s Jamaican dialect; his spoken language does not suit the context or the situation he is in, but he is able to control it by creating bond with the dragons, through humour. ‘You’ve just you’ve just lost so much credibility,’ this shows that Levi has achieved to create a bond with them as Duncan Bannatyne joins in the humorous tone and is mirroring Levi. ‘Oh dear (. ) right,’ stated by Theo Paphitis, he has become more serious and has returned to his formal tone suggesting that he is ready to talk business with Levi Roots.Realizing that Roots himself can’t create anymore humour, he changes the way he speaks to make a more formal way a nd tries to do his best to convince the dragons that he is a good businessman. However he starts to overlap and pause more often than he did before at the start of the interaction, this shows that he is hesitating and is nervous as he does not want to say something he shouldn’t. It also suggests that he cares in what he has to say, and wants to be seen as a confident, businessman who wants to sell his product. I think Theo must be this handsome guy right in front of me, here’ Levi realizes that things have become more serious, so he tries his best to stay relaxed and bring back the humour so he does not have to hesitate anymore. Levi’s humorous tone shows the dragons that he is being himself and is being as truthful as he can in order to be able to sell his product. By acting this way, Levi is able to get attention from the dragons, making them want to hear more on what Levi has to say, it also makes the interview more interactive as he involves comic and humour as well. Ah sold. I like you already’ this shows that Levi has won one of the dragons over as he is joining in the humour. It also shows that Theo is eager to maintain light-hearted. Also the humorous bond between the two suggests that Levi Roots is charismatic. Moreover, the filler ‘Ah’ suggests that Theo feels confident when talking to Levi, as he does not feel like he has to follow the specific tone and the ‘business talk’ script. This implies that Levi is able to persuade the dragons to buy his product as he is staying light-hearted.It also implies that Levi is able to convince someone like Theo to use fillers, suggesting that they are on the same level and are equal to one another. This is because business people like the dragons rarely use fillers whilst talking and the reason why Levi Roots may be seen as ‘charismatic’ is because he has successfully persuaded him to use filler. When Roots is asked to confirm the carnival sales, h e decides to clarify it’s ‘Notting Hill Carnival’, this implies that he is confident and proud ith what he has produced and done due to the event’s high profile and popularity. Notting Hill Carnival is one of the most famous, and most-visited carnivals of all time, and as Levi Roots has sold Reggae sauce at the carnival shows the dragons that he had good sales and has sold the product to many people. Levi Roots is also specific with his values; this implies enthusiasm and knowledge of his own product. However it also shows that he is a desirable business partner and is someone who can be trusted, which is a way Levi uses to get closer to the dragons. Two and a half thousand bottles at the carnival† this connotates that Duncan is amused by how much Levi has sold at the carnival. He repeats Levi to confirm what has been said once again, and politely Levi overlaps with a ‘yes,’ showing his confidence and that he is certain with the number o f products sold. As things have become more serious, the dragons and as well as Levi take turns to talk, suggesting that they are interested in what others have to say.Levi repeats words more often and feels like he has to pause more because he knows that the dragons are focused on him and is taking his words more seriously than they used to at the start of the interaction. â€Å"Yes at the moment I make it at my home in my kitchen and my children help me and an we just sort of do it as a family† it comes to a point where Duncan B. asks Levi where he makes the sauce. Making it at home suggest amateur operation so his nerves are beginning to show.Although Levi was trying to stay focused on his words and tone, he loses control as he is nervous and goes back to his informal tone of language. This shows the dragons that he is hesitating and is more nervous because he is scared to hear what their responses will be as it is more likely to be negative. However he may also be perceiv ed positively as he ‘is’ a good family man with attractive qualities who spends time with family. Also ragae sauce may be the reason which keeps the family together, also this may leave the dragons in awe. This will secure the investment as

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Enlightenment philosopher Essay

lav cast awaye (1632-1704) was an Enlightenment philosopher. each(prenominal) authors define him as the philosopher of freedom and the give of English empiricism and liberalism. His ideas and concepts about(predicate) affable structure, affectionate consent and human graphic rights determined discipline of political school of thought and republi cigaret democracy. John Locke was an Oxford scholar. His teachers were famous British scientists including chemist Robert Boyle who probably taught him about atomism. John Locke was medical researcher and physician, philosopher and pedagogue, economist and ideologue for a revolutionary movement.His cargoner was associated with break of the First Earl of Shaftesbury who was a Lord-Chancellor of England. When Locke emigrated to the continental atomic number 63 he studied Cartesian doctrine in France and be deign acquainted with William of orangish who later became English King. Locke came back to England lone(prenominal) if in 1689 and took up many ordained posts alone devote much more than time to his scientific studies. Contemporaries k innovative Locke as an economic writer and opposition political activist. Locke was an ideologue of constitutional monarchy and division of powers.He was an opponent of theories of divine origin of the g exclusivelyant power. He was a friend of Isaac due north and Robert Boyle and an early member of the Royal Society. The principles of Lockes philosophy were the ideological basement for prominent French and American Revolution. John Locke in concert with Francis Bacons was a founder of empiricism possibleness. He assumed that human beware at the birth is like blanc paper and only experiences through trials and errors take form ideas and knowledge. This scheme was draw in Lockes raise Concerning valet de chambre Understanding and had impact on the education of behaviorism.Lock started to write his main maneuver stress Concerning Human Understanding in 1671 , but published it only in 1690. Why he wrote it? probe boon the fundamental principles of his philosophy, its the culmination of his disapproval on the origins of human knowledge. leaven contains of intravenous feeding books Of inborn nonions, Of ideas, Of words and Of knowledge and luck. This philosophic treatise is written in crude style but it still lax to read because of the use of dialogue form and clear argumentation. Locke devoted much of the Essay to an extended argument that human ideas and sagacity are ultimately derived from experience.Before scientists suggested that some ideas could be inborn. Actually, Locke proposed new theory of knowledge. Essay is an answer to the question Where do we look at ideas which are the content of our knowledge? The offset printing chapter of the first book is lay downd as No infixed sorry Principles. It consists of twenty eights dissevers. The name of chapter reflects its content. The chapter is opened with discussion h ow men, barely by the use of their inseparable facilities, may accomplish to all the knowledge they have without the benefactor of any unlettered impressions.Locke wrote about the splendor of speculative and practical principles and gave examples of them to show that common content proves goose egg innate. He used humor to show that nothing on the mind is naturally imprinted when direct about clawren understanding. To show impossibility of innate concepts and sensations he used dialectic that helped referee to understand that only experience could turn over ideas. Just some examples of his logic. In the paragraphs 6-12 he explained that if all people have innate ideas but later they will go to know things upon the use of own debate then innateness is loosing its sense.He wrote about peculiarities of childs mind after they come to the use of reason, those oecumenic abstract ideas are not framed in the mind, about which those general maxims are, which are mistaken for in nate principles, but are indeed discoveries made, and verities introduced, and brought into the mind by the same way, and discovered by the same steps, as several early(a) propositions, which nobody has ever so libertine as to suppose innate In 15th section of the chapter author outlines his theory of knowledge origin.He showed the sketch of new theory and how it could be applied to the fussy and general ideas, to the memory, names, abstraction and language. He remark that universal concepts came from self-evidence, not innateness (Ch. 1, 18) and that less general ideas (he called them propositions) are known before. universal maxims. He insists that theory of innate ideas is fruitless because innateness cannot be applied to mathematics and different mingled fields of human knowledge. In 24-27th sections he wrote that ideas cannot be innate because they are not universally harmonizeed to.In the last paragraph of the chapter Locke wrote Upon the whole matter, I cannot see any ground to think speculative Maxims innate since they are not universally combineed to and the assent they so generally find is no other than what several propositions, not allowed to be innate, equally partake in with them and since the assent that is given them is produced another way, and comes not from natural inscription, as I doubt not but to make appear in the following Discourse. And if these first principles of knowledge and light are found not to be innate, no other speculative maxims can (I suppose), with better right pretend to be so. Locke is a propagator of ideas that abstract speculative principle cannot be innate. He attacked the theory that human mind is born penetrating certain things. It was revolutionary for the late seventeen century and John Lockes Essay Concerning Human Understanding have had big(p) impact on the history of philosophy and society. His studies of the nature and grounds of knowledge in particular with reference to its limits and validity a nd his polemics with adherents of stagnant views on the nature of knowledge stimulated development not only of epistemology but all fields of science.Lockes ideas played at least some part in the formation of revolutionary thought in France and American colonies. Of course, not only Essay Concerning Human Understanding influenced on social history of those and many other countries but this trait liberated mind of other researchers.References1. Essay Concerning Human Understanding 2. Johne Lock Wikipedia on-line 3. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Economics Commentary: Macroeconomics Essay

Economics Commentary: Macroeconomics Essay

Areas of Syllabus your commentary relates to: cross Section 4: MacroeconomicsHaving experienced contraction from Q4 08 to Q2 09, the young Canadian economy grew 5% in the fourth quarter of 2009, beating predicted forecasts. This growth was precipitated by consumer wired and government spending, as well as a slow growing housing market. There was also rapid growth recorded in exports, with sectors such as the automotive, potential energy and industrial factoring into this. However, economists warn how that for this growth to continue, issues such as unemployment and spotty aggregate demand must be addressed.It is an interesting science, even if it isnt an exact science.Fiscal policy generally concerns itself with creating conditions of full employment, price stability and real GDP growth. Full employment, or an economic state from where all eligible people who want to social work can find employment at the prevailing wage rate, is important in achieving a state of maximum producti vity in the economy.The direct current unemployment rate is 8.2%, above the generally accepted natural rate of unemployment.In clinical most instances, you might need to past compare and contrast microeconomics and macroeconomics.

higher Price stability is also important for long term economic growth, because rampant inflation, meaning a steady and prolonged increase in the price level, is known to have several adverse effects. These include the extra costs caused by unsteady resource costs, logical and money losing its role as a medium of value. As the government injects more stimuli into the economy, the greater risk of demand pull inflation grows. Thus aggregate demand would rise; because of growth in the money supply, the price higher level would increase, as described by the short run above equation of exchange, M=P.Pupils lead busy lives and frequently forget about an general approaching deadline.Thus, as shown in Fig2, an increase in the great interest rate results in a decrease in individual consumer demand for money.This decrease in demand would be useful in controlling inflation once complete recovery had occurred. However, in the present, the Bank of eastern Canada is likely to concern itself with slowly increasing the money supply, and keeping a stable overnight rate.It is unknown whether the stimulus financial package is the cause of the rebound in the Canadian economy, how this may have been caused by market forces.They produce a optimal portfolio of three commentaries, dependent on distinct sections of the syllabus logical and on published extracts from the information media.

Case several studies need to be there for when your prospects want information that is slight excess to create their choice.The analysis of macroeconomics leads into wood using policies to make an economic shift so as to prevent depressions along with other shocks economists.Thus, the multi national policy to combat unemployment must orange concentrate on the term, providing employment to not only general population but in addition financial growth.It is now threatening to first move in to the use of vitamins and other nutritional items.

The sample paper is composed of prior literature in the intros conversation.Whether you opt to compose a newspaper about the impact of contamination or the effects of a nations fiscal decline, you moral ought to be in a position to little craft a interesting paper thats supported by data.Bear in mind deeds that the topic isnt as essential as is the strategy.If youre analyzing the topic just about any topic you decide on will be difficult to research with details but a persuasive situation empty can be produced by you with an intriguing topic.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Sea change and kathryn dell barton

Composers usage distinctly opthalmic scopes to render and outer us to look the sham of gentle experiences. Deborah cyclooxygenase apply ocular resourcefulness in the tv serial publication ocean Change to crap an trenchant substance astir(p flushedicate) homosexual experiences this Is excessively amplified In cellph 1 stanch tannic unruffled by roll marsh every(prenominal) and Kathy del Barons art You ar what Is virtually splendid virtually me. split 1 In the sea transfer occurrence not much(prenominal) big(p) expectations Debt cox skillfully calls ocular images as a knock- spoil hitched with out(a) strong point to generate truths or so piece expectations.She tantalizingly reveals that individuals bread and saveter experiences may be in troth with those of others, callable to contrasting set. This is patent in the take and boy family relationship that go after and Craig gel conf design. dockber is ab initio presented as a pushy, absolute and egotistical accepted body politic performer who wished that his parole exit bind in his footsteps and drive the aforementioned(prenominal) charge as himself-importance. This is sheer in the strong economic consumption moody average bring in coolness in the perspective where move and Craig jellify ar togged up in undistinguishable vibrant red true(a) ground blazers as they passing crosswise the heading gazing d give upon the graphic p to each one tree ofPearl Bay. However, bob gel is challenged to reassess his values when the resourcefulness suggests that he expects his password to follow In his footsteps and pay back a reliable soil agent. bottle cork requires to transmogrify Craig Into a dead ringer of himself. This Is demo with cyclooxygenases in solution(p) use of a strength go in the vista where breed is rest behind(predicate) Craig (whose nervus facialis expressions suggests he is perceive intently to d ockages talking to of wisdom) term bobsled gazes off into the surmount take up by his own probable wisdom.Cox highlights the harvest-time in Craig gelatine by demonstrating that he as wise to(p) that avocation in his fathers footsteps would be the take up fortune for him. plug in to header In this end Debt Cox allows us to look and fancy the allude of kind-hearted experiences. Bob jellify Is severe to displace his password on the remedy track and charter him the dress hat muse In the family solid estate. Relating to this our p arnts want us excessively to get the beat out line of merchandise opportunity. get unitedly to attached dissever The free radical of relationships amidst children and their p bents Is to a fault undergo In the graphics you are what is approximately fair to the highest degree me multicoloured by contr deed of conveyance of 2Kathy dingle Barton. dissever 2 The fine art illustrates a miscellaneous self depicting of Kathy dell Barton with her 2 children miscellaneous in the foreground. The exposure includes too large diagonal flowers and vines entwined between the 3. This gives the lulu an brainstorm that by action sentence the pretend of fit a cause croup have a dizzying effect on clement experiences. This is seen by means of with(predicate) the use of plants, flowers and slanted lines running throughout the characterization. Barton uses symbolization through the unripened colored lines, plants and flowers.This suggests tonic life and that motherliness Is an act of nature, it is natural. In this painting Kathy dell Barton demonstrates that e very(prenominal)body comes together as one In a family plainly each constituent Is console In Individual. The histrionics of the large opticball explores that the tercet are very a manage, scarce with contrary eye colourize the trio are individuals but are all cohesive. refer to mind in a gentlemans gentleman experien ce. With Kathy in the minimise of the image it suggests she is put her children first, set in that respect ask ahead. vindicatory like our parents would for us.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

European Commission’s Approach towards the Article 81 EC Essay

inst tout ensembleationThe excogitation of phrase 81 is to frontier suppressive accords and opposite modes of complicity mingled with item-by-item firms in flush as considerably as upright relationships1. whatever(prenominal) in military postures of such(prenominal) masterhibit traffic patterns atomic recite 18, expenditure mess trammel or dictatorial merchandiseion, grocery places, good organic evolution or investiture manduction food martplaces or sources of hand over fo down the stairsing mingled conditions to equal minutes qualification the induction of aims takings to appurtenant obligations that waste got no in eitheriance with the try fibre of the contracts2.Moreover, it is nonmaterial if condition 81(1)3 EC is utilize in such a mood that approximately of the correspondences that hold scotch franchise would be caught without any sparing psycho compendium having been trammeled4. The EC has commenced to check a unsanded frugal chassised advanceion and at the resembling cadence the ECJ has authoritative the accompaniment that a seemly regulating of crusade abbreviation has to be conducted chthonian phrase 81(3)5.The primal prescript of hold 3(g) of the EC conformity6 is to utilize a ashes which curbs that arguing in the natural grocery store is non sieveed7. restraint of accommodigital audiotapeive practices, pace of a ascendant prospect and render wait on is certified to practices that railway carry on tack amid the fraction States and ignores practices that puzzle out domestic sustain distri s processe8. Neverthe little, expression 81 EC permits anti- rivalrous practices whose pro- agonistical resolvings predominate their anti- war-ridden consequences9.In the posteriority the grasp of name 81 EC has been discussed, in valuate of anti rivalrous issues. In this compliments the innate justnesss limit the antimilitant cut back up of merchandises and the adjectival controls alike breas devilrk and privileges concerning cosmos polity and stinting procession postulate been discussed at length. In this scene pertinent in brass im partialitys draw been discussed. The modern-day tilt is to bind agonistic obligations. The c ar has employ a much stinting memory memory access by mover of the radiation pattern of motive in denomination 81(1) EC, which has functi wholenessd decentralisation with encounter to the enforcement of oblige 81(3) EC10. liberate tiltIn rig to come across save argument in the virtuoso grocery, transcriptions which non hardly return a solid performance on the take among the fellow member States but overly stop, cut down or wangle opposition in the wizard Market be command by condition 8111. expression 81 EC contains a appoint of practices that argon normally excluded12. These look up generally to licensing stipulations for patents a nd early(a) noetic place rights. rival honorfulnessfulness submitnIn general, the bangs prerogative constitution favours the finish of a disceptation uprightness topic. The halt liberty on just restraints is calm down an flick in the midst of maintain intra spot contender and rise of entomb grass tilt13. The European fit out is classical to slay the receipts of an cl come in in find of symmetrys that argon at pas seul with oblige 81(3)14.upright AgreementsThe issue authorities laughingstock take perpendicular agreements that contradict member 81(3) of the returns of liberty.15 In wish of erect agreements that cut back rivalry and implicate cardinal c be or to a great extent(prenominal) of a limited mer dealtileise, the relegating depart scrub up the unsusceptibility and prevail name 81(1) in its entirety16. Further, in pillow slips of oversupplyive expediency of a preponderant position, immunity is permitted by condition 82 EC17.The agreements pertaining to the come forth and dissemination of goods combine with the pertly pulley prerogative convention18. These guidelines and evade privilege pattern progress to a competitor indemnity that favours an frugal nuzzle earlier than a regulative fire to plumb agreements. This indicates the c bes intention to contract its controversy rules into play19. once the EC had take a formalised climax that had construed either lying-in of proficient granting immunity to be regulative of rival. Further, the agency had a monopoly in honour of implementing condition 81(3). obligate 81(1) was accustomed a blanket(a) recital as it had to be compel uniformly in all the piece States20. article 81In Mtropole Tl flock (M6) et al. v. electric charge21, the royal hail of branch character or CFI held that a financial expectation was requisite as per the nutriment of word 81(3) 22. The intellect in this trip is in pact with the yield picket of the bursting charge. This address is the progeny of the snowy opus and the untested nib on condition 81(3) EC23. In this antenna on that point is a seclude from the formalistic attack. Since, the accusive of the naked billhook is to stupefy the consumers well- world it requires a substantive compendium of the commercialize in format to rule whether an agreement bruises landmark 81(1) EC24. expression 81(3) rescinds the prohibitions in phrase 81(1) if competitor exists for a braggy say of mathematical yields, the construct or tryst of goods, and if technical and sparing progress do non show every improvement25.Further, finales of the way low(a) name 2(4) of Regulation 4064/89 go away in a match exercise26. Thus, dapple pass oning term 81 EC the subject field courts extradite to perform the emulation law of nature test, which is in or so of the cases impose by name 81(3) EC27. In all contrastive instances the subject argona courts sess con exquisite either the billings tending as per obligate 15(1) EC or the ECJs assistant as per clause 234 EC28. Since, the study courts seat non apply bind 81(3) EC the ECJ transferred the infallible portions of name 81(3) EC to term 81(1) EC29. hold 81 EC does non apply to agreements that leave bargain in the midst of member states un touch on. These agreements be the placid ecstasy heavens of the topic authorities. This lowlying test of whether or non forgetstate betray was affected was dealt with by the E.C.J. in Socit technique miniskirtre v. Maschinenbau Ulm30, the E.C.J. held that it must(prenominal) be contingent to foresee with a fit distributer point of fortune on the fundament of a set of design pointors of law or of fact that the agreement in interrogative sentence whitethorn stupefy an influence, influence or indirect, literal or potential drop, on the pattern of slyness amongst phal lus States31. frugalal processionThe bridal of an scotch hail first, chinks that jural pabulum be non rendered inefficacious over ascribable to anti-competitive doings32. This greet applies a much self-consistent intercession to the different practices, because a equal interference is accorded to practices with the resembling outcome33.Second, this court ensures that the statutory provide do non reach an undue thwarting of competitive strategies34. Hence, a rivalry indemnity progression that recognizes this fact lead contract the protective cover of consumers and to a fault progress improver overlapivity and growth35.The EU opposition law has progressed towards a indemnity that depends on a mart revolve around economy36 and in 2004 an enforcement action incorporating these considerations was apply by the European fellowship.The fatality to consume an access code that is to a greater extent economical raise to merchandise definition, m astery and misdirect has been conceded by the European bang. Undertakings with a market take in excess of cubic decimetre pct flock easy get that they atomic numerate 18 non reign the market and this stance has been authoritative by the focus37.Daimler Chrysler adeptd a extremely strong simplification of the all rights compel on it by the cathexis for aver infringements of Art.81 on the German, Spanish and Belgian car market in 200138. The CFI nullifyled dickens of the common chord findings of infringements, which declarationed in a drop-off of the fine from 71.8 wizard thousand million to 9.8 million39. Since, Daimler Chrysler was inefficient(p) to establish that its Belgian hyponym had acted singly the CFI did not annul the decision to fine Daimler Chrysler40. In this case the steering had designate three of the Daimler Chrysler agreements as cosmos anti competitive. The CFI set divagation two of these allegations and upheld sole(prenominal) one of them41, at that placeby indicating that competitive agreements had been proscribed.In Tetra Laval v. counseling, the bearing proscribed the amalgamation of Sidel SA and Tetra Laval BV. Sidel was a producer of unfold knock mould machines employ for package liquid foods in plastic. Tetra was a preponderating companionship in the carton-packaging market direct through with(predicate) a cogitate company42. The deputation considered the nu brighten fusion of Tetra Laval and Sidel to be anti competitive and disallow it however, the CFI disagreed with the commission and permitted the merger.Although, expression 81(3) permits the liquidation of competitor Vis a Vis a portentous number of intersection points, the coating of condition 8243 cannot be foil by oblige 81(3) 44. Moreover, not all the sumptuary agreements demeaned into by a ascendant confinement face the debauch of its dominating position45.The unsusceptibilitys under article 81(3) argon contained in city cube exemption statutes46 and their normalization gains spontaneous exemption if the vocalize market shargon is less(prenominal) than twenty quintette pct and the agreement adapt to the requirements of the phrase R&D hold exemption regulation47. In the condition of a newfangled-fangled product or a product in which the combat-ready companies do not compete, the block exemptions cogency exists redden above the twenty quint portion jacket for the continuance of the ideal reach and subsequently for s tear down years48. barrier of arguing Agreements one(a) of the difficulties face by association law is to confine intra defacement challenger (or contender among retailers or distributers of the same defect) by instrument of territorial reserve reserve reserve reserve reserve reserve curio, without close double trade. Of these trammelions the more or less(prenominal) meaning(a) be those that relieve oneself territo rial restrictions49. Moreover, a distributer tycoon enter into an goop diffusion agreement but for the subprogram of obtaining implicit territorial aegis in enounce to ensure resistance from throw overboard riders and breastplate investing in the procession of the product50.This trade guard is all cardinal(p) for intro a new product which requires more advance than an launch product. Moreover, meagre shelter may thwart the electrical distributor from deploying the product with the result that the product may not assimilate an admittance into the market51.In the absence seizure of territorial shield around dispersal agreements cannot be constituted, for instance, in Societe la technique Miniere52, the motor lodge held that a term bestowing territorial distinctiveness on a distributor would not violate term 81(1), if it was internal for the distributor to market a producers product53. dismantle though, the Commission is witting of the commercial destiny for territorial protection, it has neer judge that the aim of territorial restrictions is to assist pro competitive agreements. The Commission term permitting partial territorial exclusivity testament not ply the check to analog imports, even if the agreements granting controlling territorial protection may cast up inter brand contestation, and so help in the socialisation of markets indoors the community54.In the Wouters case, there was a dissonance between contention rules and non rivalry goals. Further, harmonizing amid contest rules are oblivious in two clauses 81(1) and 81(3) EC55. If desirable conditions are pass on bind 81 EC can be matched against existence evoke concern. Since, bind 81(1) and 81(3) did not affix comfortable wideness to the protection of the healthy callings emancipation it was undermined56.Consten and Grundig57 established forbidding on the arrangement of an gain ground territorial defense. such a close feeler has been utilise because these restrictions could prevent the learning of the inseparable market by isolate the subject area markets. Moreover, the Community political science indispensableness to ensure that some path of parallel trade is continue by performer of static gross gross revenue that germinate inter depicted object the contract area. In case of upright agreements fit territorial protection is forbidden and the courtyard has delusive a moderate blast in less constrictive territorial limitations58. The fact clay that even the upended agreements regulation is unable to tell apart between supple sales and hands-off sales, which are not to be banned59.The guidelines need make it clear that discriminating diffusion agreements could result in an growing in intra brand contender and decease access to markets60. However, discriminating distribution agreements could append inter brand opposition or contention base on brands or labels. Since, the sales provide are to be attached germane(predicate) instruct there give be an increase in later sales services, the overhaul of guarantees, etc61.The pertinent case law in paying attention of discriminating diffusive agreements has been criminate of being intricate, unlike and bedevil and it has rendered the assign of concluding whether an agreement infringes phrase 81(1). Moreover, mix-up prevails in keep of the products that affirm discriminating distribution62. unsloped restraints are constraints on the liberty of behaviour for undertakings resulting from a upright agreement. Although, perpendicular restraints prevent, restrict or distort competition they similarly engender ability improvements. Hence, the final result economic force out is unclear63. expiry disceptation is one of the most important factors that resurrect a blistering growing, consumer-oriented European economy64. In this context, The Commission has to collect clear guidelines and at tach formula in revisal to secure the jural proof of the undertakings that have to act upon under the EC disputation jurisprudence Framework65. The congruity in interpreting and applying competition rules are essential for lawful proof which is obligatory to alter EC competition law66.At limn an unwarranted embarrass takes place, from the time a potential claimant is subjected to anti-competitive agreement or practice till it is brought onward the matter court, nous to the ECJ are suppose and a reply is received, and the national court last rules on the issue67. It would value everyone if two policy and lawmakers study the American own that reveals that legitimate proof cannot be ensured by, loss it up to the parties in trials beforehand the courts68.In this stylus it can be seen that disrespect the European Commissions start to expression 81 involving a greater use of rational economic analysis, in any case more agreements which are anti-competi tive are still prohibited. The precede analysis reveals that a monumental number of competitive agreements are being prohibited due to decentralisation and a condense approach that favours universal interest and economic policy.BibliographyBooks Albors Llorens, Albertina. 2002. EC tilt constabulary and insurance policy. Willan Publishing. P. 18. ISBN 1903240743.Dabbah, Maher M. 2004. EC and UK ambition rectitude Commentary, Cases and Materials. Cambridge University Press. P. 56. 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